Wednesday, February 18, 2009


1. What country was Beowulf from?

2. What was the name of the Great Hall the Danes built?

3. How many men did Beowulf take with him across the sea?

4. Where does Grendell hide when not killing Danes?

5. How many Geats did Grendel kill before Beowulf got to him?

6. Why is Beowulf's excuse for losing the swimming contest to Brecca?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Starting Friday we will be reading the epic poem Beowulf. I have seen the movie and liked it alot, however, I have never read a book that wasn't better than the movie version. I'll like this book I already know. Also, from what I've heard, the book is actually way different in certain main points of the plot than the movie... which I can't elaborate on without spoiling it.

Friday, January 30, 2009

I'm not good with writing just whatever is on my mind. It is much easier for me if I am given a topic. At least then I have a clear subject to think and elaborate on. I've never liked creative writing, which is why I took Tech 4 instead of english. Once i get going though, it seems to all flow out fairly quickly.

It is now the end of January... which means there's only three and a half months... fifteen weeks left of school for me. I am looking forward so much to graduating and moving on from this place. Going into the Marines and actually doing something that interests me and i find FUN for a living. May 18th we graduate... the 31st I ship. All I have to do is coast through the few easy classes I have and try to stay out of trouble.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Never created a site or blog before... I think blogging is lame. Never been one to write about my day or how I'm feeling, so I'm not gonna. Obama got sworn in the other day. Hurray! People are already complaining about him. Need to shut their mouths. Let the man work. Good things gonna come soon.